Guitarist     Composer      Coder

Guitar Lessons via LIVE VIDEO streaming using Apple's iChatAV

Vinnie Johnson

Three-time All-State, All-Northwest high school jazz guitarist

Spencer Reilly

full scholarship student at San Francisco Conservatory

Spencer Reilly

full scholarship student at San Francisco Conservatory

Erik Madsen

The Funk Master of Los Angeles !

New York Times article by Peter Wayner featuring Kevin teaching guitar using Apple's iSight and iChat audio & video coferencing technology: view article or download PDF

Jason Williams

Jason is an affiliate professor of guitar at Western Washington University.

For more information,
contact Kevin via email 
206 - 932 - 9536 Seattle,

Troy Stephens
Tearing up the blues in Cupertino, CA !

José Fermin

Monster player, José Fermin of Calgary, AB Canada